Sasha Cassadine

Sasha Cassadine

Show Director Queen Mother of Flip Phone Events - Flip Phone Events

I'm a 42 year old Sagittarius. I enjoy cooking, video games and travel. I have been doing drag for 15 years now and still going. I'm a huge Star Wars fan and would love to learn lightsaber dueling - haha! I am a proud gay motha with a huge Minneapolis based drag family. I'm originally from Memphis, TN - born and raised 💖 I enjoy using my drag platform for charity and have had the pleasure of working with OutFront, QUEERSPACE, Aliveness Project and many others! Drag has been amazing to me through the ups and the downs. I hope that people will learn to see the beauty of self-expression and living their truth. 🥰🥰

May tha Fierce be with you...

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Ep. 8: Glitter, Glitter...Everywhere!
September 06, 2023
25:5235.6 MB

Ep. 8: Glitter, Glitter...Everywhere!

Friends who watch this episode are in for a treat! Our guest, Sasha Cassadine, outshines the room in her beautiful outfit and even more beautiful personality. Born and raised in Memphis TN, Sasha made her way to the Twin Cities and has never looked back! As a sought-after drag performer, Sasha shar...